I got my masters degree (Library and Information Science) two years ago and I have another two years before Little Boy is old enough to go to vpk (voluntary pre-k, for you non-Florida residents) and I get an outside-the-house job. I had planned on getting an occasional certification between now and then, but I haven't chosen one yet.
Then there's writing. The Crossed Genre anthology will be published early this year so I'll get to see my short in book form. I decided that the Newbie's Guide to Publishing's Resolutions were a great place to start so, as recommended, I subscribed to two fantasy magazines last night. I haven't submitted anything to them yet, but they seemed like great magazines to be published in.
So there.
I've done that. Other goals would be to submit a short story each month somewhere. Or at least twelve next year (if I choose to submit two in one month, I'll let myself skip a month). I want to finish A Penny Saved and Half-Demonized as well as Magic Moon and re-edit Seeing Zombies. (I've thought of changes I want to make to the beginning that will probably need to be carried through for some small differences throughout.)
Before next December, I'd like one of those to be ready to start submitting something longer again. (I had been submitting Seeing Zombies already but recently decided I'd started too early and it wasn't ready. From what I've been reading, that's not uncommon though so I won't feel bad about it.)
So, summing up, my resolutions for 2010 are:
- Submit 12 short stories somewhere.
- Finish my three current longer stories.
- Re-edit Seeing Zombies
- Have one of those four long stories ready for submitting by December.
- Attend a writing conference/seminar/workshop.
- Choose one non-writing skill to practice/become certified in - possibly tech or library-related.I'd originally thought to get certified in Database Management, but that's a GIANT freaking book. Maybe something smaller to get back into learning with? Any suggestions?
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